Previous Sheriffs of Baton Rouge

In Louisiana, the sheriff's office is the oldest law enforcement agency in the history of the state. The office of sheriff dates back to 1805 when Louisiana was still a territory and legislative council members made provisions for sheriffs to protect the people in each of the 12 original parishes. In 1812, when Louisiana was made a state, the Louisiana Constitution followed suit, and the office has been a part of Louisiana's history ever since.

Name  Date of Oath
 John Neilson (prior to) April 2, 1811
 Thomas Lilly July 14, 1813
Philemon Thomas May 5, 1815
Ferdinand L. Ameling January 30, 1819
John C. Buhler August 9, 1821
Augustin Duplantier March 20, 1837
Henry Waller Fowler March 2, 1841
 Leroy C. Morris  February 11, 1845
Henry V. Babin November 14, 1851
Francis A. Provest  April 23, 1864
Edward Cousinard May 11, 1864
Thompson J. Bird  May 18, 1966
Thomas W. Hurst November 26, 1870
G Leblanc December 18, 1872
O.H. Foreman March 10, 1876
W. L. Booth January 11,1877
J.W. Bates December 8, 1878
J.H. Slaughter May 22, 1888
Joseph T. Young June 5, 1896
Nolan Stewart Dougherty  June 1, 1904
W.G. Randolph  June 1, 1908
J.A.M. Randolph January 19, 1912
T.H. Womack May 30, 1912
Robert B. Day June 1, 1916
 Mrs. Eudora Slaughter Day March 31, 1924
Thomas Edward McHugh June 1, 1928
Robert Lee Petit June 1, 1932
Newman Henry deBretton   May 1, 1936
Frank D. Trimble  April 1, 1948
Bryan Clemmons July 1, 1948
J. Al Amiss July 1, 1972
Fred Sliman, Jr. February 9, 1983
Elmer B. Litchfield December 1, 1983
Greg Phares December 1, 2006




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